Fashion Illustration Final Project | "Highly Caffeinated"
Trend analysis project completed in Spring 2021. In this report I analyzed consumer trends and worked to learn about the beginning steps of trend forecasting, seeking inspiration in unconventional materials, and fashion illustration. This trend which is entitled "Highly Caffeinated," focuses on transitional pieces easily styled as going out or loungewear pieces.
These designs stem from the previous trend report, "Highly Caffeinated," these garments emphasize versatility in styling being able to be worn in a going-out style or lounging at home, ensuring comfort no matter what you are doing.
Through the duration of this project we were tasked with forecasting trends, working with unconventional materials and creating fully rendered illustrations (created in Procreate). For these designs I wanted to create a miniature line that highlights the versatility of knitwear, textures, and materials of varying opacity while providing a sense of warmth and comfort through textile choices and the selected color palette. This project was completed during my freshman year of the Apparel Design and Manufacturing Program in Spring 2021.
The gallery below contains the full trend analysis I created for this project, a dress made from unconventional materials (coffee filters, twine and magazine pages), and coordinating illustrations.